The TURATI Group’s primary and strategic goal is the daily commitment to safeguarding the environment, the personnel, and the community, and preventing risks by always complying with the Quality, Safety and Environment procedures.
Quality in the company has always represented a fundamental element of the service; since 1999 our organization has been one of the first in this field in Verona to obtain the certification according to the international standard of the regulation UNI EN ISO 9001.
UNI ISO 39001 certifies that the organisation adopts a management system with the aim of being able to reduce the number of serious and fatal accidents resulting from road collisions.
UNI ISO 45001 certifies that the organisation adopts a management system that improves safety, reduces risks in the workplace and improves the health and well-being of workers, thus increasing health and safety performance.
Certifications in TURATI are interpreted as indispensable procedures for the continuous improvement of all corporate processes at every organizational level, with the aim of efficiently meeting all the needs and expectations of customers and any other concerned party.
For TURATI, sustainable development entails safeguarding the environment and the best possible use of the energy resources available.

Seveso III Directive – Legislative Decree no. 105 dated 26 June 2015
The company has been authorized to handle hazardous chemical substances included in various classes since 1989 by applying the Legislative Decree no. 105 dated 26 June 2015, “Implementation of Directive 2012/18/EU on the control of major-accident hazards involving dangerous substances” as we store dangerous substances included in the Annex I.
The directive contains rules for preventing major-accidents and limiting their consequences for human health and the environment. We list hereunder some studies and documents requested for the regulatory compliance:
- Identify the risk of a major-accident;
- Draft and review the major-accidents prevention policy documents, as per article 7, every 2 years;
- Implement the SGS system (Safety Management System) as per the same document.
- Forward the RdS (Safety Report) to the competent authority;
- Prepare the Internal Emergency Plan;
- Cooperate with the Local Province for the drafting of the External Emergency Plan

For any information
Phone +39 045 6150088